The Road To Dominica: Part Two

If you missed Part One , click here to read before reading Part Two. Dominica is truly beautiful and the mountains are are so high, you can see the clouds pass through them. The island is so much larger than Barbados, that the trips can be so long and there are plenty of turns on their highways. Their main roads are mainly addressed on the outskirts of the island. Now anyone who have heard about…
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The Road To Dominica: Part One

My Trip To Dominica: Part One Lights! Camera! Action! This is my part one blog post of my trip to another Caribbean Island , Dominica. Now this trip was actually a missionary work for me and not so much a vacation. Although I scheduled my vacation from my 8-5 work, I will indeed say, This was a great cause. Interesting enough, the Seventh Day Adventist group I am part of , partnered with an…
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Babe I love you, I want to have dinner with you, I want to be always with you, And when we do get married, I don’t want to just sleep with you, But I want to love you, unconditionally. The moments I spend with you, It’s like a dream that must come true, Yours eyes, your smile… Babe! I just wanna kiss you! So babe, while you read this poem, Know we have to cherish these…
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