Sabbath 27.04.2019 Quotes – Ebenezer Seventh-day Adventist Church

Today’s sermon was at my home church Ebenezer Seventh-day Adventist Church, based on “Education Day” by Bro. Brewster. Below you find several quotes of Today’s message we all can live by and photos captured by me today!

Section I – Sabbath Quotes

“Supporting Christian Education “

“The Freedom To Choose”

“All Men Are Equal”

“Thank God Almighty We Are Free At Last”

“We Too Have A Dream When Boys And Girls Are Making It To Heaven”

“Jesus Is Always With You”

“Salvation Is Free!”

“Live For Christ”

“Reclaim And Value Seventh-day Adventist Education”

“God Is The Alpha And Omega”

“He is A Sovereign God”

“Our Powerful God”

“Trust God And Believe In His Word”

“You Can Do The Impossible With God”

“With God, There Is Excellence”

“We Are God’s Children”

“Parents Take Active Roles In Your Children’s Education”

“God Today, Wants To Speak To You”

“Let Us Embrace Seventh-day Adventist Education”

Section II – Photos

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