Sabbath 24.11.2018 Quotes – Breath Of Life Seventh-day Adventist Church

Today’s sermon at the Breath Of Life Seventh-Day Adventist Church was based on Religious Liberty by Pastor Exton Clarke who is from Guyana. I found several quotes from today’s message was very worthwhile to live by.

Section I – Sabbath Quotes

“Know In Whom You Believe”

“Bad Things Can Happen To Good People”

“If It’s Decreed, It’s Guaranteed.”

“If You Are Blessed, You are Blessed!”

“Consolidate Your Beliefs”

“It’s Training Time For Raining Time”

“You Will Never Come Second by Putting God First”

“It’s Not What You Are Going Through, It’s Where Your Are Going To!”

“Jesus Is Coming Again”

“Soon He Will Move You From Nobody, To Somebody”

“I Won’t Give Up, I Won’t Shut Up For Christ!

“Let No Man Take From You What God Have Endowed On You”

“Waiting Time Is Not A Wasting Time”

“God Will Finish What He Started And Like Joseph, You Will Win!”

Section II – Photos



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