Lunch At Fort Young Hotel In Dominica (Caribbean)

“ My! My! My!” Now this was a very spontaneous event for me. My love of my life and I were deciding which restaurant we would have chosen to have a lunch date in Dominica. We travelled to the Bay front hoping to find a nice mellow place to eat by. Initially we stopped by another venue we had in mind, but sadly when we arrive, they were already closing for the day. So, my bae, who is the local, knowing her country, pointed us to Fort Young Hotel, so I said to myself: “Sure, lets give them a try!”


Everything looked all well-organized. The tables and its décor were very outstanding and there were even large shades for those who wanted their privacy.

The View

The View was spectacular, the entire sea was like our massive fresh scented window. The water, so clear, you could have spotted the seas rocks that were settled near to the shore.

Before we chose a table for ourselves, we goofed around taking some selfies and even staged a scene using a past traditional payphone.


We had no idea what was on the menu while entering the restaurant, but lucky for us it was buffet style lunch! You should have seen how our faces turned into joy. We thanked the hostess for informing us on this and headed straight over the self-serving area where all the lovely food was.

The Food

There was chicken, fish, chicken warps, rice, steamed vegetables, different style of salads, and a few more selections. We all got our plates full and it was time to eat our lunch. Prayer is a very important role in our lives so we prayed over the meal and it was now for me to “work my knife and fork”. Originally, I said to myself, I am not serving myself too much fish. My first bite into the fish had my mind exploding, the taste was so succulent, I wanted more! It was really seasoned and cooked so well, I tasted no rawness in the fish whatsoever.




My love and I really enjoyed our buffet styled lunch. In the end, I even got to took away some of the food for my dinner back in Mero, where I was staying.

My rating of Fort Young Hotel Restaurant is a full A+. The staff are so friendly and are of great assistance. The setting was cozy and the food was superb! Next trip, if my budget allows me I will go as far as considering to stay there for my next visit to the Nature Island.


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