“New R.Ellis Blog Look” – Via Internet Explorer & Firefox [ARCHIVED]

I’m “kinda”late whishing everyone “Happy New Year”, but it’s still the beginning of the year, so let me say it now, “Happy New Year & Best Whishes for 2008”. Anyways lest not go a stray of the topic.

New Look- to R.Ellis Blog.
Last year in 2007, I received some good tremendous feedbacks about me Blog from lots of people. Let’s see what plans are in hand for the Blog in 2008. Ellis Online Community is still coming so look forward to be part of it.

Screenshots of the Blog when it had the “old look” in the two most used browsers, Internet Explorer ( 7) & Mozilla Firefox ( 2 ) :

Here’s two (2) screenshots the “new look” also in Internet Explorer (7) & Mozilla Firefox (2):
Note: That the entire website visual look is legible via Firefox & most of it legible in Internet Explorer (IE), only the polls looks strange in IE.

I prefer to use Firefox, and also recommend you to use it; because it loads the visual parts of a website (in most cases) much better that IE.[poll=5]

Read Latest News below and don’t forget to Vote! Vote! Vote! On Coleridge & Parry Photo shoot (blog.ricardoellis.com/cp) in another news post below. (Click here.)

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