US to Try to Shoot Down Spy Satellite – Satellite expected to hit Earth during the first week of March. [ARCHIVED]

A size of an Satellite in space.

(Image from Dailymail.co.uk)

The Federal Aviation Administration today issued a 24-hour notice warning aircraft and ships to steer clear of the projected shoot-down zone in the Pacific. New warnings will be issued every 24 hours during the anticipated shoot-down window.

Well up to this date, here on Barbaos local television station. (Know as Channel 8 for the residents here) have not notified anyone here yet I believe about the dead which is expected to hit earth early this march, but I think people like me who browser the internet daily or others who have cable television show know about this such concerning matter that might turned up out as a disaster if thing don’t go right, but not lets think negative, have faith and good thoughts.

This here reminds something related to a past famous movie named which is something exact like this, name “Armageddon,” which was released in 1998, but the only thing this is something real and it is not fake.

Note: The following article you are about to read was not written by me Ricardo Ellis and blog.ricardoellis.com is not affiliated with the U.S. Department of Defense.

Source. www.defenselink.mil

WASHINGTON, Feb. 19, 2008 – The anticipated landing tomorrow of the space shuttle Atlantis will open the window of opportunity for the U.S. military to shoot down a dying intelligence satellite headed toward Earth, Pentagon Press Secretary Geoff Morrell said today.

President Bush has authorized Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates to give the shoot-down order, and the secretary received a briefing on the plan today, Morrell said. The secretary is prepared to make that call from the road, if necessary, during his nine-day, around-the-world trip that begins tomorrow, he said.

Marine Gen. James E. Cartwright, vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told reporters last week the window of opportunity for shooting down the satellite would last seven or eight days.

“We have a pretty wide aperture with which to take this shot,” Morrell said today. “I think the commanders that are evaluating this are looking at all the conditions that could impact this to make sure that when we do take this shot, it can be as successful as possible.”

Cartwright, Air Force Gen. Kevin P. Chilton, commander of U.S. Strategic Command, and other experts across the military and U.S. government “are evaluating the situation and will advise the secretary when they have a shot to take,” Morrell said.

Pentagon officials began studying the situation in early January when it become clear that a malfunctioning U.S. spy satellite could cause death or injury if it fell in a populated area. Of particular concern is that the satellite could release hydrazine, a toxic chemical used as a maneuvering fuel.

Related Articles:
Navy to Shoot Down Malfunctioning Satellite

To read more I advised you to go straight to their website. www.defenselink.mil

 Please note again.

The above article you were reading was not written by me Ricardo Ellis and blog.ricardoellis.com is not affiliated with the U.S. Department of Defense.

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