Coleridge & Parry Pageant 2008 Poster & Wallpaper (Ricardo Ellis & Chantal Jemmott) [ARCHIVED]

Coleridge & Parry Pageant 2008 Poster & Wallpaper (Ricardo Ellis & Chantal Jemmott)

Hello there again regular visitors and quest who just discovered this web page, hope your holidays are going good ole well. 🙂

If you had read the previous news post below (Go to news post here), I said that I will be making some wallpapers/posters/banners etc of Mr.  & Miss Coleridge & Parry Pageant 2008. Some of them that I will post now and later are not official. They were just made by me due, I felt like sparking back up my graphic skills designs. So far two (2) are completed ill show you them now. Show will only see the full size one as a sample.

Unofficial Poster made by me- Ricardo Ellis
(Click Image to see its full resolution)

Official Wallpaper with me & Chantal – Designed by me Ricardo Ellis.
(Click Image to see its full resolution)

Please note: I’ve placed the words “sample” over the full seize poster/wallpaper. Unfortunately, I don’t want anyone stealing my hard work creations, especially the one where I made the background from scratch (With all the contestants, including me). Thx for you co-operation.


See you guys/ladies later. Leave some feedback if you can. Happy New Year!
|o/  <<>> YaY!

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