Coleridge & Parry Secondary School Pageant Photo Shoot [ARCHIVED]

Coleridge & Parry Secondary School Pageant Photo Shoot

First let me describe the photo, here on the left had side for this news post. It’s me ( Ricardo Ellis) posing with me very gorgeous partner Chantal for Coleridge & Parry Secondary School Pageant 2008 poster I think, that’s why we originally took the photos for. To acquire all of these photos costed me some $$ thanks to our main producer/director of the pageant.

These photos which were taken professionally in a top of the line studio which located in the city here of Bridgetown, “Studio Studio” .

If you are in Barbados or coming soon to Barbados mark you calendar for this event! This pageant comes off on the 9th of February 2008, 6pm, in St.Peter at the Coleridge & Parry School hall. (More Information will come later).

All Images are named (Click Image to see full seize) accordingly to the contestants and some with their partner together making a couple. There is a voting poll further below in this news post so you can vote on which couple photo you like the most.
(“Better vote for me or I’ll split your throat….just joking around “lol” ”)

I am currently making some wall papers, posters, banners etc with these images. SO look forward for some other cool stuff from me.
(Will post them as soon there are all completed.)[poll=7]

See you later and have a nice day. HAPPY HOLIDAYS FROM RICARDO ELLIS!

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