Major earthquake ( 7.3 ) hits Caribbean Islands. Felt in Barbados, Dominica, Martinique, T&T and more [ARCHIVED]

Today was one of the scariest days of my 16 and 10 months years of life. We here in Barbados felt 45 seconds of an affect on an earthquake 14 miles from Martinique.

I was at school when all tragic natural cause happened. Me and some friends were there just taking some photos from the independence show we had today with my camera, then all of a sudden I felt my self shaking to the left and right, I yelled out “ What the fu*k”, and right next to me was my form level teacher Mrs. Williams. I then apologize to her for me rude language behavior.

Then everyone went rushing out of the school hall. Even when I got out side, I still saw people running screaming out loud.

Enough with me talking now, below there’s other real information on today’s earthquake in the Caribbean which affected my country Barbados.

A major earthquake hits in the Caribbean, affecting island such as Barbados, Dominica, Martinique, Puerto Rico, Venezuela, Suriname, Trinidad & Tobago, Guyana, St. Lucia, Antigua and a couple of more others.

In Barbados

in barbadosIn Barbados there was no danger of a tsunami, no injuries report in Barbados, reports of minor damage of buildings in the city of Bridgetown. There was “bumper to bumper” traffic on the highways and in the city. Less public transportation such as busses, taxi’s etc was on the road. Luckily Barbados Grantley Adams International Airport is open to flights. All airports across the region are open. Tremor Lasted approximately 45 seconds.
The last report of a tremor from an earthquake is Barbados was in 1947. Which that is about over 50 years (5 decades) something like that happened here in Barbados.

In Martinique

Minor injuries were reported on the island of Martinique. In the neighboring island of Martinique, a government official said police and firefighters were responding to hundreds of calls for help. He said some people sustained minor injuries, but no major casualties have been reported. The official declined to give his name in accordance with government policy. The earthquake collapsed the roofs of a bank and a store in the capital of Martinique, Fort-de-France. Ambulances were called inIn Martinique.

“My house shook so hard I thought it was going to fall,” said a caller to Radio Martinique who identified herself only as Fannie. “The door, the windows, everything shook.”

In Trinidad
In Trinidad, the shaking sent workers streaming out of office towers into the streets of the capital, Port-of-Spain. The earthquake did not disrupt production at Trinidad’s state-owned oil refinery, Petrotrin, which produces 160,000 barrels of refined gasoline, diesel and oil daily for domestic use and export to countries including the United States. “We have not had any reports about breakdowns from our exploration and production fields,” spokesman Arnold Corneal said. “We are still doing checks.”

In Guyana
In Guyana, lawmakers evacuated the South American country’s parliament building.

In St. Lucia
In St. Lucia, Julian Dubois, deputy director of the national emergency management organization, said the quake caused some panic and broke water lines but did not appear to cause severe damage. In the capital, Castries, people spoke of buildings swaying but not toppling. A glass door of one company was shattered.

St. Lucia resident Annie Ellis said the quake was the strongest she has experienced. “In all my years, I have never felt any earthquake so powerful,” said the 100-year-old Ellis. “And it lasted such a long time.”

In Antigua- In Antigua, islanders said the shaking lasted about 30 seconds.
“I haven’t felt one like that in a while,” said Jessie Kentish, a resident of the capital, St. John’s. “It was a long time.”
The earthquake occurred off the east coast of Martinique. The preliminary location for the event is 14.70°N 60.89°W, the focal depth is 121km and the preliminary magnitude is 7.3.

There are no threats of a tsunami from this event. This is one of the largest events to be recorded in the Eastern Caribbean in historic times. If you felt or just have something to on this event, please leave an comment saying where you were and what you felt etc.

A map of the event can be found here.

This got lots of people from the Caribbean to get educated about the awareness of such huge natural disasters, since most of them normally don’t hit the Caribbean islands. In this tragic natural cause so far i heard 1 person is dead which is a 3 year old girl. May her soul rest in peace. Some of my Information came from CBC, for the other Caribbean islands- Google news, UWI and of course by me.

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