Fiction Story: “Report Card” (Written By Me) [ARCHIVED]


Well, I normally don’t write stories for “fun”, but I wrote this one a while ago when I was practicing writing essays for my English Caribbean Examination Council Exam (CXC). Of course in the end, I ended up, passing the English CXC :).  I still haven’t finish writing all of this short story. Where you see “…to be continued” is where I stopped last time. I will finish writing an “ending” later in the future so for now read the short story below. Have fun and Peace.

Today was the day the end of term report cards were to be handed out to us the students. I had known already that my marks on my report card would have been bad, because I didn’t do any of my exams. Due to the fact that I did not attend my classes regularly. At the time now around 8:30 am I was now walking towards the school which I attend. As I was walking I saw my friend Billy, that’s in the same class as me walking on the other side of the road.

I yelled out his name at the top of my voice so he can hear me calling out his name and would come across the other side of the road where I was. He had come on the other side of the road I was, and now we were walking to school together.

We had now reached the school. Skool BellClasses were now about to commence so me and him went in the class and sat beside each other.Mr.Pan, our class teacher came into the classroom and now had perform his duties to teach us. Classes went as normal like any other day. Now you could hear a bell ringing in the class, this meant the ending of school. At this time Mr. Pan had the report cards, ready so hand the, out to us. Finally I receive my report card and when I see it I was not so surprised, because I already knew that it was going to awful.

I whisper to Billy, and ask him if he could get my marks changed onto a new report card. He then told me to give him the report card and follow him, and then I’ll rectify the situation. I gave him the report card then I followed him out of the classroom. It seemed he was going to the teacher’s lounge where the blank report cards were kept; because he had passed the exit door so it didn’t look he was heading outside.

He then got there and opened the door and told me stayed here in the door way and keep watch of anyone coming into or towards the teachers lounge.doorway I had done exactly what he had said to me. I could have seen when he went there in a black cabinet, where the blanks sheets of report cards are normally kept and he took up one. Then I and he left the room quietly. He then wrote new marks on the blank report card and made them looked good, then tried to re-write the teachers signature exactly as he could. When he had finished all of this he gave me back my report card Passand told me he have to go because he have music lessons he must attend.

So I went back into the class and packed away all my books and the two report cards in my bag and then went home. I now was entering the front door of my home and my I told my mother I got my report card today. I place my bag beside her and took out the new report card and gave it to her. She smiled …..To be continued.


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