Barbados Reggae music video Green Camouflage By David Kirton. & Camouflage in Barbados [ARCHIVED]

Below there’s David Kirton’s new music video “Green Camouflage” & also my say on “Camouflage in Barbados

Here where I come from (Barbados), it’s illegal to poses any form of camouflage or wear any Camouflage clothing’s.

Even from school students, wear camouflage brand name bags, which have their supplies, like books, stationery, etc.

The Law is also enforce strictly on them, in result of they bag will be confiscated from the police and they will have to take there books or what ever that was in the bag in the bare hands! (Or just buy another type of bag.)  xD

To me that is “utter rubbish”. What’s so harmful wearing camouflage in a Caribbean Island, Barbados?

Is it because it’s a tropical island as they say, with lots of “greens” like, trees, tall bushes, etc…..?

The Barbados Defence Force are the only ones who are allowed to wear camouflage here. (Any Type).

This is why I love David Kirton song, who’s from right here, in Barbados, wrote a song named “Green Camouflage”. I’ve heard loads of people saying it’s a cool song & the music video is great!

xD Most of it didn’t got filmed here though, due to the “shitty ass” law that camouflage is illegal here. It seemed he uploaded his video on YouTube 1 week ago. So BIG thanks to him for sharing it with us so we can view it over and over again ! 🙂 Soon it will get close as 1 million + views on YouTube like the other great music videos from other well know music artist.

Peace & have fun all.
For more information on David Kirton & his music, you can visit his website. Click here. Or His Youtube Channel to see more of his great music videos. Youtube/user/DavidKirton

Mean while If you are From Barbados fill free to leave a comment on your say on “Camouflage in Barbados”!

©2007 Ricardo Ellis.com
RicardEllis.com is not affiliated with DavidKirton & His Music. All rights Reserved.

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