Virgin Atlantic’s Birdman Challenge 2007 Caribbean/Barbados [ARCHIVED]

R.Ellis and and his sister(RicardoEllis&His Sister – Photos Taken by me RicardoEllis)
The sea and the sand of Carlisle Bay in Barbados, had 4 000 screaming fans yesterday, Sunday 23, 2007, including me, trying to get a good vantage point to watch those who dared attempt a powerless flight across the water.

The scenic occasion was the Virgin Atlantic’s Birdman Challenge 2007 and ninth birthday beach bash at Barbados Boatyard. The airline celebrated by tossing dozens of Frisbees to sea bathers, and who were just chilling on the sand who were watching the event and 6 000 cupcakes were given out on the beach, all of them were free. I didn’t eat any of the fancy looking cupcakes, but I took home some Virgin Atlantic Frisbees.

Twenty competitors launched, themselves from scaffolding about 30 feet above the water as they tried to capture the first prize, worth $16 000 Barbados Dollars (US$8080.80).

Made it Far

Few of them made it far, some just fell straight in the water after taking off, but the occasion was more about profession, it was more about fun and celebrating the Virgin Atlantic’s ninth anniversary in the Caribbean.


There was even an awesome band named, “The Beetles (Beatlemania)” which performed for a hour or so. I like a couple of their songs which was performed LIVE! Those guys have a good talent. Wish i could of sing that well. xD

At the end of the day, I enjoyed it, hopefully next year, I won’t be a spectator, ill be a competitor, flying my own powerless flying machine, all man made, going for the 1st place prize. More new stuff to come here on RicardoEllis.com so stay tuned.

Birdman 2007 Video Coming Soon.

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