Barbados 2019 Independence Car Show Highlights [December]

Although our Independence day had passed November 30th, this blog post has been already written on December 1st, but due to life’s unforeseen circumstances, time now permits me to publish this new blog post.

Apologies for the late posting.

Now that its the Christmas spirit, December 1st, In Barbados, Sky Mall hosted a patriotic car show in their car park at Haggatt Hall, St. Michael.

There were some cars with very interesting engines, and although some cars maybe still classics, their engines were spotless. Have you heard of the car that was never driven in the rain? Well as hard to believe living on an Island such as Barbados, “truth to be told”, it was there.  But let us move on :), I wouldn’t want to start any controversy. 😀

EDIT: The owner of the Ford Fiesta reached out to me, and yes he confirmed, it has never been driving in the rain. Under-body photos of the car were also confirmed.

Remote Control (RC) cars were in abundance, even docked RC speed boats too! If I played my knowledge correctly, some were fuel-powered with diesel or gasoline.

They moved like lightning speed and some of the operators did stunts, drifting and even managed to lift the two front wheels up in the air! Like if it was a Motorcross bike performing a wheelie stunt. Even the kids enjoyed watching the RC Cars manoeuvre.

Below you will see my footage and photos that were taken by me from the Independence based Car Show.

Do enjoy and may peace be granted upon you.


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