Barbados Gospelfest 2019 Ultimate Gospel Highlights

Barbados Gospelfest

I am truly sorry for being really late on posting this blog post, but life has been really busy lately. So, my “down times” are sometimes only weekends.

History of Barbados Gospelfest


Now Barbados Gospelfest goes way back from 1993, and it was then known as the Barbados Tourist Board. Did you know Barbados Gospelfest gave Barbados Gospel Artist exposure to the International Gospel Community? Barbados Gospelfest had been already aired on Dr. Jones’ Television segment on the BET (Black Entertainment Television) and this year, it was broadcasted LIVE on GOD TV. You could have literally use the GOD TV APP to watch the stream live, or after it had been uploaded.

The show was scheduled to commence at 7pm, so as I am currently living on a “scarce bus route”, I said to myself, I’ll leave home for 4PM. Initially I thought I would have been too early, but soon you will learn, that being early was totally worth it!

Ellis In Barbados

So, after leaving at 4PM, I arrived at Barbados Garfield Sobers Gymnasium right after 5PM. When I got there, I noticed there were already three people already queued ahead of me. I was shocked, because of the time I arrived, I thought I was going to be the first! So, I asked them what time would the event officials let us enter the venue. It was said that 6pm  we were going to be allowed inside, so I played a quick playlist on Spotify and chatted a bit with other patrons who were queued like I was.

Ultimate Gospel Show Highlights

6PM came shortly after, but sadly the doors were opened after 6PM.

I ventured inside and opted for my self-chosen seat in the left second row right below the stage. The very first rows were reserved for VIP ticket holders.


The stage was all decked out with its bright lights and LCD panels.

Barbados Gospelfest 2019 Ultimate Gospel Stage Set Up

The show started right on time, and we all stood at attention, while the Barbados National Anthem was played at the starting of the show. It was my very first time at a Barbados Gospelfest show and I was moved, touched, and healed by the musical ministry there.

Barbados Gospelfest 2019 Ultimate Gospel

Barbados Gospelfest 2019 Ultimate Gospel

Barbados Gospelfest 2019 Ultimate Gospel

Barbados Gospelfest 2019 Ultimate Gospel All of the Dancers, Musicians were vibrant and the Artist sang really well. The crowed was moved to their feet! Let’s not even talk about the Barbados Gospelfest Mass Choir, they sang to perfection in the most miraculous way.

Barbados Gospelfest Mass Choir

Below this post, you will find some images I took, and a few clip recordings by me. Next time, I will try to capture more media content to share.

Enjoy & God Bless!

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