Get your ruined CDs/DVDs working again. [ARCHIVED]

Get your ruined CDs/DVDs working again.Hello everyone. This is just a simple home made trick to remove scathes from your CD’s or DVD’s. Though some of you maybe have tried this already at school or at college, home, etc. Simply grab your self a piece of clothe, the scratched CD/DVD and a tube of cogate toothpaste (the white one). Paste some of the toothpaste evenly on the back of the CD/DVD.

Now wait five (5) minutes, then wash the toothpaste off completely with water and use the piece of clothe to dry it. Now place back the CD or DVD in your computer, CD/DVD player, or what ever else you put them in and you will see it  still works or  it’s even working better with scratches removed. If you are wondering, yes, I did it myself. So now you, the reader can try it.

Peace out for now everyone. Have a nice day and keep on smiling.



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