Barbados Notes Of Praise Music School 15th Annual Showcase (2018)

So randomly out of the moment, I said to myself I would attend a musical event last Saturday evening. Early bird tickets for adults were on sale for $30.00, after that was $35.00, and at the door was $40.00. I chose to go last minute, so I settled paying at the door.

The event was hosted in Barbados Central Bank notorious Frank Collymore Hall. I really wanted to arrive as early as I could, since I wanted a specific seat right in the first row. As soon as I arrive, I got my ticket, then walked towards the entrance door, I asked the usher if any seats have been reserved, as I didn’t want to intrude anyone’s V.I.P seat. The usher then told me I am allowed to sit right at the front. “Wooohooo!” I was thrilled, so the gracefully walk to the very front and sat in my preferred seat.

I noticed although I was minutes early, the seats were already becoming packed with patrons. The show was scheduled to start at 6:00pm. So, as I was early, I took some selfies and glanced around the audience. It appears they were running late and the show commenced 10 minutes late.

“….In Plenty and In Time of Need” Oh, Barbados National Anthem was sang, as we all stood there paying respect to our island. The national anthem was renditioned wonderfully by a young lad.

After that, the opening remarks was done but there were some tears in this remark and as this person had loss some very loved ones for some time and I guess the show brought back some fond memories.

The class of music was traditionally gospel. There were guys and ladies who played the piano, drums, guitar, flute, bass, and keyboard. Even the vocalist sang beautifully. Dancers brightened the atmosphere on stage.

One performance was so fantastic and mind blowing. Whilst the pianist was playing his notes, a young lady was painting a scene along. All of us in the audience was so intrigue to see what it was going to be. We all watched “close eyed”. The end result was superb! I must say this was an excellent choreography.

Senior citizens also took part of this performance filled night, and the sweet melody of steel pan was played.

There were very few mishaps from the artist and technical team, but through it all they got their performances done with style. I would say this was a very awesome uplifting show, which would inspire anyone in learning a musical instrument.

If needed to find out more on who is Notes of Praise Music School you can head over to their Facebook page or their website.

Please note: is in no way an affiliate of Notes of Praise. May peace and love be brought upon you and I hope you enjoy your day. Below will be several photos of the artist and their performance. Do Enjoy! 

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